Mango extract is often used in sunscreens and other cosmetics because of its high concentration of antioxidants, copper, zinc, and selenium.
Used in hair and skin care products.
• May improve hair health
• Rich in Vitamin A
• Rich in Vitamin C
• May increase collagen production
Usage Rate
The usage for this product depends on the nature of the formulation, thus there is no exact recommended concentration.
May aid in the production of the protein collagen.
Mango Liquid Extract is high in polyphenols, which are plant compounds that function as antioxidants and protect bodily cells from free radical damage.
Mangoes' high Vitamin C concentration may help to improve skin health and increase the body's natural collagen synthesis. It may protect the skin from sun damage and premature ageing. Because of its high content of antioxidants, copper, zinc, and selenium, mango extract is frequently utilised in sunscreens and other cosmetics.