Used in moisturizers, eye creams, gels, face masks, toners, lip masks, etc.
Useful for sun damage and exposure, such as wrinkles and fine lines.
"• May have anti-aging effects
• May improve cell regeneration
• Offers sun protection
• Heavy in antioxidants"
Usage Rate
The usage for this product depends on the nature of the formulation, thus there is no exact recommended concentration.
Contains antioxidants such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and tannins.
Pomegranate is a potent fruit high in polyphenols such as anthocyains, ellagic acid, and several other plant polyphenols. These nutrients assist to cleanse the skin of free radicals while also mending skin that may have been harmed by environmental causes such as UV radiation, which is why pomegranate seed oil is so beneficial.
Pomegranate anthocyains function similarly to how Vitamin C found in citrus fruit benefits skin.