Used in a variety of skincare products, including moisturizers, facial sprays, face oils, powders, serums, etc.
This ingredient has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used in herbs and botanicals for centuries.
• May brighten the skin
• May fight hyperpigmentation
• Hydrates the skin
• May help fight signs of ageing
Usage Rate
The usage for this product depends on the nature of the formulation, thus there is no exact recommended concentration.
Amla Liquid Extract has antioxidant and brightening properties.
Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a highly regarded medicinal Ayurveda plant. It has strong antioxidant properties since it is rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
The antioxidants in amla liquid extract may help protect the skin against environmental pollutants, dirt, UV rays, and more. Using this ingredient in DIY moisturizers and serums may help ease dry and flaky skin.
Buy Amla Liquid Extract from trusted manufacturer in India